So you already get stuff done every day. But who besides you knows this?
This is awesome.. Development: “You want answers?” Marketing: “I think we are entitled to them!” Development: “You want answers?!” Marketing: “I want the truth!” Development:…
I’ve spent the last few months implementing GTD and I’m still getting used to it, although I feel I’m achieving a comfortable rythm. One of…
Here are some funny/interesting Scrum related videos: Dear XP – A song to XP. In Japanese. Scrum Masters 2 – A funny Scrum meeting. With… provides us with a funny list of things to do to “look busy”. Here’s a few tips I’ve learned in my short time on…
The importance of making metadata make human sense.
In How far have we come?, Gary Pollice does a retrospect to assess how far we have come in software engineering methodology in the last…