You can always count on somebody to have figured things out before you.. Chrisopher Roach’s blog has a nice quick setup guide to get your…
Git is the version control system I am using now. I find it useful for my needs in particular since I do at least a…
I routinely scan my documents as PDFs so I can keep them in a virtual filing cabinet (you know, the whole “paperless office” thing). I…
Among the things we all have to do (even those of us with Macs) is debug Javascript for Internet Explorer. The JS Engine is quirky…
I stopped doing GTD. And I totally shouldn’t have. I have determined that the problem was the lack of an “always there” todo list and…
ZDNet published an article on How to avoid receiving an $837.20 iPhone bill which is very much worth reading. Here are some of my Strategies…
So you already get stuff done every day. But who besides you knows this?
Besides the iLife Suite, here are some applications I’ve found useful lately. Here they are. I will update this in the next few days.
I am now using Twitter again. I am hackerdude, of course. Come join the fun!
En, Alexey Pazhitnov (creador de Tetris) dice que El software libre sólo es una rebeldía estéril, y se pone a opinar acerca de capitalismo…