This opens pretty interesting possibilities:
Via TheServerSide:
Wazaabi includes a GUI framework that brings XUL to Eclipse RCP plugin developers and a set of components that link the client-side XUL based viewers and forms to server-side business components. Thus, rich client developers can use XUL to code a GUI, rather than using SWT.
Wazaabi brings XUL to Eclipse RCP based rich client applications
This is an actual XUL viewer, not a similar syntax like XSWT or similar attempts. They use servlets to communicate between the XUL side and your application, to keep the flexibility of sending the XUL to a mozilla browser. Very interesting.
Cool !!! We were just thinking about this stuff for our needs…
The tutorial seems very comprehensive too !!!
Altough not very concise but i do prefer to have a detailled tuto for the beginning…